Agents' Umbrella
Written by agents for agents, our comprehensive agents' umbrella coverage packages all the protection your agency needs into one policy.
We offer an outstanding agents umbrella program in 23 states, endorsed by both the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents and the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America.

Comprehensive coverage under one easy-to-manage policy
In today’s litigation-happy world, the smallest mistake could cost you plenty. That’s why you need the protection of our comprehensive agents umbrella program. Our coverage provides protection against large, devastating settlements, and includes Professional Liability, General Liability, and Business Auto. First-dollar legal defense is provided for covered claims not covered by your underlying insurance. Our extended commercial coverage includes errors & omissions, even full prior acts coverage and coverage for anyone acting as a real estate agent or notary.
Program Features
- Full prior acts available
- Broad list of acceptable underlying carriers
- Matching coverage when primary limits include defense expenses
- Excess E&O usually underwritten based on primary coverage applications alone
Options unique to this program
- Personal umbrella-coverage for owners, partners and officers, including members of their families
- Employment practices liability-excess limits on a following-form basis for liability from wrongful employment practices
- Blanket protection for most risks
- Flexibility to tailor an excess program to meet the more complex needs of a larger agency
- Affordable coverage, flexible pay plans
Get coverage up to $10 million for commercial and errors & omissions, and $5 million for personal exposures of owners and officers. We offer affordable minimum premiums for three employees or fewer.
Find an authorized agent with your state association.